Frequently asked questioNS

do President and Mrs. Obama have anything to do with this scholarship?

They don’t! But we were all at the White House because of their courage, strength and commitment. We couldn’t think of a better way to express our gratitude than to be of service to others.

Can I donate towards the scholarship?

Thank you so much for asking but we are all set to fund the scholarships and encourage you to find a local candidate, family, organization or cause to support instead. The best way you can help us is spreading the word and helping others.

Is there an age limit to apply for this scholarship?

Of course not! Some of our former White House staffers were in their 30’s when they interned in D.C.

When you say ‘college student’ what do you mean?

Just that! Community college, technical college, online college are all included. You qualify as long as you are an undergraduate student or just graduated from an undergraduate program in the last year (2018 - 2019).

i am unsure if my internship qualifies for the scholarship?

Understandable! Does your internship relate to policy, community engagement, community service, advocacy, global relations or politics? Then it qualifies. Hit us up if you are unsure -

Do you have to be a Democrat to apply?

No, you don’t. But the internship job, your activities, personality, character and work must reflect the values which we hold dear – equality, fairness, truth, equity, justice and service to others.

How and when will I receive the money?

September 15th at a luncheon in Washington, D.C. The preferred payment will be discussed with each award winner.

is this scholarship a one-time offer or will it be offered every year to different applicants?

This scholarship will return for Summer 2020 internships. Stay tuned for details.

Who is behind the scholarship?

Me - Deesha! I created and organized it but here is the dynamic list of women who collaborated with me. Couldn’t have done it without them - THANK YOU!

still have questions? email OR HERE!